Global Relief & Development

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Global Relief & Development

Serving communities of need in every nation.

A multinational team dedicated to the benefit of humanity.

We are: A multinational team dedicated to the benefit of humanity.

We serve: Communities of need in every nation.

Our Three Charitable Outcomes

  1. Humanitarian Relief. We see inherent value in every human person — in every village and city on earth. Among all members of the global community, the wealthy are meant to help those in need. Those living in peace are meant to assist those surrounded by conflict. All are meant to care for those facing the effects of disaster and disease. We seek to respond quickly to emerging needs.
  2. Community Development. Short-term assistance is often essential, but building long-term sustainability is the greater good. Each community must find ways to answer inevitable challenges it will face. We seek to establish meaningful relationships that improve community health through acts of service to enhance the local economy and local provision of healthcare.
  3. Investment in Education. The future success of any community can be predicted by the reading ability of its children. The current success of any community can be improved by enhancing the reading ability of its adults. We seek to invest in the enduring success of communities around the world by enhancing both adult and children’s education with a special focus on literacy.